What's New With Craig...: A Day At The Park...

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

A Day At The Park...

We have all been feeling kinda crappy for awhile now. Something is going around I guess and we've all been really tired. As a result, the posts slacked a bit. Usually I post after I put the kids to bed. But I've been crashing early myself. I'm actually home with Cale today as he wasn't well enough to go to daycare. I think tomorrow he'll be well enough to return.

On Sunday though Korey hung out with us for the day. The weather was nice and we needed to get out of the house for a bit. All the boys (Cade, Cale, Korey, and myself) headed over to Brecknock Park to play on the Castle and play equipment they have over there. The kids had a blast and it was a much needed break from feeling so blah.

There was a girl named Britney who was in the 3rd grade that took to Cale. She asked if she could play with him and they ran around for a bit together. It was cute watching her help Cale as if she was his big sister. Cade, at that time, was off running around with Korey.

Check out more pictures over @ Flickr.


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