What's New With Craig...: Cale Gets Arrested!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Cale Gets Arrested!

So this weekend we visited Shelly's cousin Chad, who happens to be a New Castle County Police Officer. Actually, his wife Heather is also a NCCPD officer. Anyway, they invited us over for a Labor Day party and both of their Police cars were in their yard. Once Chad opened the doors, all the kids were drawn to it like a magnet.

This picture, which looks terrible because it was taken with my phone, is Cale's first arrest shot. Well, er, hopefully first and last. I've never seen someone so happy to be in the back of a Police car before. :) I should have made a point to bring the digital camera, but fortunately my phone is always there to back me up.

It's been fairly quite here on the homefront. I guess that's good. The weather has been beautiful. It won't be long before we're bitching that it's too cold. :)


Blogger Craig said...

At some point I would really like to. We've just been holding off on big vacations until Cale gets a little older.

Tony, the tall one, has also been getting on me about visiting him out in Kentucky. Maybe we can do a cross country trip @ some point. That would be cool!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005  

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