What's New With Craig...: Spike The Movie?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Spike The Movie?

It could be true. Both Shelly and I are Joss Whedon fans. He is, of course, the creator of such things as Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, and most recently the new movie Serenity, which is the movie version of the Firefly tv series.

Anyway, The Movie Blog reports that a potential movie for Spike is in the works. Several of the actors and writers from the tv show are rumored to be interested in participating.

No deal has formerly been signed and no studio has signed on to back the project yet, but things are looking good. Buffy / Angel has a huge cult following. And if Serenity pulls in good numbers at the box office a deal is sure to be signed.


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