What's New With Craig...: 10 Pounds Of Shit In A 5 Pound Bag

Sunday, August 14, 2005

10 Pounds Of Shit In A 5 Pound Bag

Ok, so Cale's room was half storage, half his stuff. But he's still been sleeping in his crib in our room. Realizing he's getting to the point where he really needs to be in his own room, we bit the bullet and bought him bedroom furniture. This forced us to clean out the storage stuff we had stuffed into his room. Honestly, Shelly did the majority of it, God Bless Her.

Shelly's mom has a storage shed that had lots of extra room. My role was lugging the crap (um, our prized storage possessions) to the storage shed and arranging things to make everything fit. Most of the stuff will end up in a garage sale when we decide to have one.

Thursday his stuff should arrive and he should finally be in his own room sleeping in a big boy bed. Ideally, we need to move. We've slowly begun the process (pre-approval), but there are some things we need to do to this house before we get too far into it. I'm hoping within a year or so we'll be in a new house. Let's see how things pan out.


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