What's New With Craig...: Sleeping Habits

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Sleeping Habits

Ok, so what kind of sleeper are you? We've got two kids with totally different sleeping habits.

There's Cade... He's "never tired". Yeah right. He really just doesn't like going to bed. Then, when he finally does fall asleep, he's dead to the world and doesn't want to wake up. Quite honestly, this habit is unfortunately the same sleeping pattern as yours truly. Why is it that all my bad traits have to rub off on him. :)

And then there's Cale... Cale is the total opposite. I'm not sure really who in the heck he takes after in this regard. Maybe Shelly's dad. He seems to take after him in every other aspect, so that's probably it. Anyway, when he's tired he'll willingly lie down to rest. No hassles what-so-ever. Just give him his stuffed puppy and he's happy. Now Cale isn't a deep sleeper like Cade is. Nor is he a light sleeper. He's kinda middle of the road. Make a loud enough noise and you'll wake him up. If anyone in the house was to "catch the worm", it's Cale. He's the early bird and usually the first one up when we don't have to go to work.

Shelly is a mix of Cade & Cale, but she's always tired. I supposed we wear her out a bit. But that's our job! :) I try to make an effort and at least let her sleep in on the weekends to catch up if she wants. See, I'm a good husband sometimes! :)


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