What's New With Craig...: Got Crabs?

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Got Crabs?

Once a year or every other year, my parents invite us over for a good ol' crab feast. I'm by no means a pro @ eating these things. Anyone who knows me, knows that I eat fast. Really fast! Crabs are so damn frustrating for me. Talk about slowing me down! Gimme the meat already! But they are so tasty. Definitely worth all the extra work and time.

We lucked out on the weather. I supposed the storm we had the night before broke up some of the heat and humidity.

The boys made a new friend named Jake who happened to live a couple houses down fom where my parents live. They ended up playing for a little bit after we finished up eating.

For more pictures of Crab Fest 2005, visit my Flickr page.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I've been looking at those ugly crabs for a week now - update please, so they are not at the top of the page where I have to see them.

LOL! :)

-The Bratty Pain-In-Yer-Ass

Saturday, August 13, 2005  
Blogger Craig said...

Takes a crab 2 know a crab. That's all I'm saying. I'll try and come up with something to post this weekend. There really hasn't been much 2 talk about.

Saturday, August 13, 2005  

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