What's New With Craig...: Cade Gets Striped!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Cade Gets Striped!

Cade just earned his first stripe for his yellow belt in Karate today. It's weird. He enjoys doing it, but doesn't practice all that much. As a result he's been somewhat slow to get promoted. We keep threatening to stop, but he really enjoys it when he goes. So for now we'll continue. He's been in the program for roughly a year and a half.

What do you think? Could he possibly be the next Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle? :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

its a orange stripe not yellow stripe

Saturday, July 30, 2005  
Blogger Craig said...

Ok, you're right. I was really just reffering to the first stripe on his yellow belt.

It should be mentioned that Korey, Cade & Cale's cousin, has worked with Cade in the past. He went to the same karate school and made it as high as he could until he turned 18. Junior black belt with stripes of some sort.

Anyway, thanks Korey for all your help!!!

Saturday, July 30, 2005  

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