What's New With Craig...: Christmas Is Approaching...

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas Is Approaching...

Just a few more days and Christmas will be here. I hope most of you got your Christmas shopping done, because the buttheads are out there! Shelly did the vast majority of our shopping again this year. She's one of those wackos that starts in October. :) But I suppose it makes things less stressful in the end. A good 80% or so I'd say we did online anyway.

It's been busy lately here on the homefront, as I'm sure it is for most people right now. This past weekend the daycare Cade & Cale go to put on a Christmas performance. Cade played the role of Joseph. Cale was a wiseman. Cale had a blast singing (yelling) Jingle Bells and was dancing all around.

That same weekend, actually the day before, we went to Shelly's Christmas Party for her office. There I got to meet most of her co-workers for the first time. They're all nuts (wicked cool) like my co-workers. It's nice to have people @ work that you get along with. It makes the day a little more bearable when things are a little fun.

Good luck with any last minute shopping! Check out photos of the Christmas Performance and Shelly's Office Party by visiting the Flickr photo site.


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