What's New With Craig...: Trick Or Treat!

Monday, October 31, 2005

Trick Or Treat!

Well, the boys dressed up as Team USAF this year. Cale sported my old flight suit that I wore when I was a young lag. The same one Cade wore a couple years ago himself. Cade just wore some Air Force fatigues. We did the rounds and hit a few of the neighbors, family, and some friends. Even with the limited places we went, the kids still made out like bandits. Gotta love that sugar! ;)

Before you know it Thanksgiving will be here and then Christmas! Man does time fly!

There are a few more pictures over @ Flickr.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So cute! My little guy was a spider. Not too thrilled about having something on his head, but he'll learn that life is just tough that way!

Monday, November 07, 2005  
Blogger Craig said...

Send me some more pictures! ;)

Monday, November 07, 2005  

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