What's New With Craig...: Up, Up, And Away

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Up, Up, And Away

Welcome to the best (and most expensive) video game ever! That's right, the C-5 flight simulator used by the United States Air Force. I'm sure as most of you know, my dad is an instructor for Flight Safety right at Dover AFB. They recently got a new simulator and things were slow over the weekend, so he invited the family to stop by. My mom snuck us in the base (actually she signed us in, but it sounded cooler) and we began our fun.

We flew in Dover, Hong Kong, Hawaii, and New York in clear conditions, snow, and thunderstorms. We began with the motion off and Shelly felt disoriented (more than normal anyway). It felt like we were moving, but we weren't. Later he turned the motion on.

Cade and I got to do a little flying. I even landed us safe and sound without destroying the plane. Granted, I was all over the runway and even managed to tear up some grass. :) But I landed us safely anyway.

Everyone had a great time. It's definitely something you don't get to experience all the time (well, unless you're a pilot). Thanks Dad!

Check out a couple pages of new pictures I added over @ Flickr. Although I put new batteries in my camera before I left, they were dead. DOH! Fortunately my dad brought his camera as well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Craig...it was a great blog! Cool pics.


Monday, October 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's so cool. Could you mom sneak/sign me in, too? LOL!

Then again, I'm such a wuss I'd probably puke. :p

Monday, October 24, 2005  
Blogger Craig said...

You probably couldn't get in the door without puking. We can't take you anywhere!

Monday, October 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, being that when I was in NYC on Sunday with a friend and I chickened out on going on the little ferris wheel inside the toy store with her, I can say that I disagree with you - LOL!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duh, apparently I'm still the reigning typo queen - that last entry *should* have said that I "CAN'T say that I disagree with you", not CAN. Sigh. LOL.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005  

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