What's New With Craig...: Just An Update...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Just An Update...

There isn't a whole heck of a lot going on lately. The only thing really worthy of mentioning right now is that Cade can officially ride his bike by himself. He's been doing fine since the second or third try, but the other day I let him ride solo without me there to spot him. So off he goes, all the way down to the end of the parking lot. He makes the turn and headed back. Great job!

Now we need to work on stopping. :) He's still a hair to small for the bike, which makes it difficult to come to a complete stop. We're working on a technique that'll hopefully pan out.

I just can't believe how quickly he got the hang of it. By the third try I could tell he was getting the feel of it and was compensating his balance by moving the wheel.


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