What's New With Craig...: A Night Out...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

A Night Out...

It isn't often Shelly and I get to get out alone. I'm sure anyone who is a parent out there understands. But the 11th of January was our 10th Anniversary and it was a good excuse to get out and spend some time alone. A friend from work gave us a gift certificate for Christmas to a local restaurant called Cool Springs (thanks Denise & Steve!). We have been there a couple times before and have enjoyed it in the past. Friday night is usually they busiest night, but we decided to go anyway. Kelly graciously watched the kids for us and we headed out. The wait was 40 minutes but it was worth it. Our appetiser was some steamed shrimp that were sauteed in garlic sauce. A salad came with my meal and it had a delightful honey mustard dressing. Shelly enjoyed a Salmon Caesar Salad as her entree, while I had my way with some swordfish. :) I must admit however that I didn't look at the menu close enough because the swordfish had some sort of sauce in it that contained various nuts. Honestly, I'm not much of a nut guy. But without the sauce the swordfish was very good.

After dinner we ran a few errands before heading back. I bought a lawn mower if you can believe that! Do I know how to woo the ladies or what? :)

It was a nice evening and we had some great alone time together. It's something we need to try to do a little more. ;)



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