What's New With Craig...: Christmas Is Coming...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Is Coming...

The kids are excited and can't wait for Sanata to come. We have been tracking Santa via NORAD. It appears most recently the Big Man has just visited Egypt. Anyway, tonight it's off to my parents for some dinner, luminary, and gift giving.

Tomorrow the kids will enjoy playing with their piece of coal. :) Nah, they've been good kids this year overall, aside for driving us crazy every now and again. But that's par for the course as I am training them on what they need to do when they get married. :) I'm great at driving the wife nuts. Santa leaves me coal every year. :)

Have a great Christmas everyone! I'll post some pictures of our holiday soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Thanks for the card with the link. It's been a lot of fun checking out the photos. We're doing well. Dave is an attorney now with an hour comute and I'm back in school.(I had finals up until the 23rd so no Chirstmas cards this year.) Gager lost his first tooth a few weeks ago. He's in 2nd grade and just turned 7. Isabella turned 9 on Saturday the 23rd.

Where's your email? I'll send over some photos.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006  
Blogger Craig said...

I'd love to see pictures of how the kids have grown. For fear of spam bots, I'm not going type the whole address outright, but I think you will get the gist. :)

The domain is gmail.com and my username is craig.lambert

Tuesday, December 26, 2006  

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