What's New With Craig...: Singing Christmas Carols

Monday, December 18, 2006

Singing Christmas Carols

Today was the daycare Christmas party in which the kids sang a few songs, ate some food, and exchanged gifts. Everyone had a great time. It's funny watching the kids grow up while Sherry (daycare provider) takes care of them. Cade is now one of the oldest kids there, where once he was just a very young toddler.

After the party we headed to Kelly & Co. for the annual Gingerbread House. I was part of the usual roofing team. We had to bail before it was finally finished so the kids could get to bed. I'll post some pictures when I can get some of the house completed.

Previous to today's events, Cade has his Christmas tournament in karate. It's not an official tournament with awards but really something for fun that his karate school does. He was paired up with students on the same age & belt rank. There he took first against the same boy in both kata and sparring. Taking first in sparring was special for him because he hasn't done that well up until this point. You could tell he was always holding back. At home he would tear me up, but with other students he would lose the fire. It was even worse when he sparred a girl. :) But this tournament he came out aggressive, as I always ask him to, and took first place.

Check out many new photos over at Flickr.


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