What's New With Craig...: Light It!

Monday, July 04, 2005

Light It!

It was the usual gang at the usual place this year. Dover's Fireworks seem to have gotten a little better over the years. This year was no exception. Pre-fireworks consisted of the kids taking my hat and playing keep away from me. Somehow I always get roped into being taunted by the kids. Truth be told, I like it. I'm a kid at heart.

The weather couldn't be more perfect for fireworks. It wasn't hot or humid, as it normally is this time of year in Delaware. There was a light cool breeze that filled the air and made it the ideal temperature for fireworks. Of course all the running around we did prior to the fireworks left some of us sweaty and stinky, but the cool breeze felt great when we were done playing.

As I mentioned, the fireworks were great this year. Unfortunately, the breeze was blowing our direction and all the cardboard from the fireworks pelted us throughout the show. Cade thought it was fun and collected all the cardboard he could find.

Cale, on the other hand, wasn't so receptive to the fireworks this year. He couldn't pull up the courage to watch. Instead he buried his head in Shelly this year and patiently waited until they were over.

I had the settings on my camera in night mode, and some of the photos of the fireworks came out really cool looking. Check them out @ my Flickr page. You'll have to click on the photos to enlarge them to get the full effect.


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