What's New With Craig...: Jorel And I Take On Atlantic City

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Jorel And I Take On Atlantic City

When work offered up the opportunity to go to Atlantic City for a couple days for a Police Security Expo, I really had to think about it. YEAH RIGHT! I said heck yeah, sign me up now! Camden PD, a local police municipality, hosted us. That is, they brought us over and paid for a good majority of the expenses. Ain't life grand? Apparently, they have been going for years and really thought we could benefit from all the different things the vendors showed off. Basically, it's an expo that pertained to all sorts of police equipment. As it turns out, they were right, we should have been going to this.

Jorel, a buddy of mine, also got to go, which lent itself to a lot of fun.

So, we get to Atlantic City and find out we are staying right at the Taj Mahal. We unload our stuff and head down to the Hard Rock for dinner and drinks. Later, Jorel and I spend a night on the town and have a little fun. (Hence the pictures of poor taste)

I had brought a little cash to gamble with, but quickly re-evaluated my decision when I saw how much money people were losing that night. One of the Camden officers ended up feeding $800 into the slots. Ugh! I saw another guy drop $400 on a roulette table to get $400 worth of chips. He then placed close to $350 on different markers on the table for one spin. The ball was thrown and landed on 10, a number he hadn't bet. $350 gone in 1 minute. After seeing all this, I decided I'd just hang on to the little cash I was willing to gamble away. Better served for something useful.

Anyway, we had a great a great time. Camden PD was a great host and the show is something we hope to return to. I don't see Camden offering to host us again, so it will be up to us to persuade the division. They probably won't go for an overnight stay @ the Taj, but I think we can talk them into letting us go to the expo. There was a lot of things to see that benefitted our role in Public Safety.

Click HERE for more pictures of our trip on my Flickr photo site.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The nerve! Sneaking in & out of my "playground" without even telling me! Hmpf!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This wasn't last weekend, per chance, was it? Because I was down there on Friday (6/17)!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I had know, you could have watched an EXPERT lose their money! LOL!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005  
Blogger Craig said...

Don't get your panties in a knot! :) This was Monday and Tuesday (6.20 & 6.21). You lose twice. You lose your money and Alan loses your money!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! I'm telling him (Allan) to come here & read what you said about him! [g] Actually, this time he WON us money - we split a $1000 hit. But even with that, I came out almost even.....

Wednesday, June 22, 2005  

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