What's New With Craig...: Tackling Billy Goat

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Tackling Billy Goat

Last Saturday Ken and I hit Billy Goat Trail in Great Falls Maryland. There are three sections to the Trail. A, B, and C. We hiked A, which is the most difficult of the three.

The weather could not have been more perfect. The scenery was beautiful. It was hard to believe that this wasn't too far from Ken's back yard.

We chose a couple different directions off the main path to make things more exciting. The vertical climbing was a blast!

After we finished the hike we decided to attempt to find a nearby virtual geocache. Geocaching is something that Ken has also gotten our family into. Think of it as treasure hunting with a GPS. Anyway, after Ken and I found the cache we headed to Baily's, a local bar, where we met up with May and Heather (friends & more) to watch a little basketball.

It was a great day. I had a blast and I look forward to doing another hike with him soon.

There are many pictures from hike over at Flickr. Check them out!


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