What's New With Craig...: August 2006

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Look Ma, No Pull Up!

For the last two weeks Cale has been wearing big boy underwear, except for the evenings and nap time. That being said, he's been waking up dry anyway.

This go around seemed a little more frustrating then it did with Cade. Cade seemed easier and was actually trained the same week Cale was born. Cale had it down, but would always slip up. He knew better, but just wasn't making the time. Recently he starting doing better and we threw him in real underwear 2 weeks ago. Ever since then he's been golden.

Great job Cale!


Cade's First Test

Cade proudly displays his first real test of his academic career. It was a spelling test and he had to spell the following words:


Great job Cade!


Saturday, August 26, 2006

Cade's First!

Cade started 1st Grade this year. It's going to take him a little bit of getting used to a full day of school. He's exhausted now. :) Then on top of that he's got karate twice a week. Once he gets used to the routine he'll be fine.

Sadly almost all of Cade's friends from last year are in the class across the hall. At first he was a little bummed, but since he gets to see them at lunch and recess he is a little happier. Plus now he gets a chance to make some new friends.

Check out Flickr for two pages of new photos. The photos include Shelly's trip to Fallingwater, the kids playing in the sprinkler, Korey's DHS Band-A-Thon, some bike riding, karate practice, and the first day of school. Enjoy them!


Friday, August 25, 2006

What The Pluto?

Ok, I'm one of those people that is going to be annoyed that Pluto is getting dissed as a planet. So instead of adding 3 planets in the end they are removing one. The reason they are stripping it of it's title is because of it's funky orbit. It's now going to referred to as a "dwarf planet".

This is why Pluto will always be a planet in my book...

Back when Cade was younger we used to read this story called Guess How Much I Love You. In it a baby rabbit said he loved his mommy rabbit as high as he could reach. The mommy rabbit would one up him and say she loved him as much as she could reach, which was more. The story continues with the distances getting further and further and finally ends with the baby rabbit telling the mommy rabbit that he loves his mommy all the way to the moon as he falls asleep.

Great story, but what the heck does that have to do with Pluto? Well somehow Cade & I managed to make a "game" up based off this story. At the time Cale hadn't been born. The story ended, but we kept it going. Eventually we ended up at Pluto, which at that time was the furthest real planet in our solar system. But just going to Pluto wasn't far enough, it was a round trip. :) "I love you to Pluto and back and back again" was born. So we were saying this to each other all the time. Eventually we made rules. The game was from 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM. First person to say it to the other person would win. It plays a little different with 3 people, but you get the idea. Cale plays now that he understand what the heck is going on. :)

It's not an exciting game, but the kids like it and it has a special meaning to us.

So the three of us (the boys) have decided to not accept this ruling and we will always consider Pluto a planet. :)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Three New Planets To Be Added To Our Solar System

Three more "planets" are to be added to our solar system. Offically classed as "plutons", it appears as though the decision has been made to reclassify them as planets. Apparently gravity is now the scientific basis in determining the definition of a planet.

Cade is familiar with the "new planet" codenamed Xena, but he'll be excited to find out there there are potentially two more.

Check out the story found on Digg to read more.

read more | digg story

What's Going On?

I got awakened earlier by a phone call for work (I'm on call) and now I can't get back to bed. Anyway, I thought I would throw a quick post up.

Cade is in karate camp again this week. He really enjoyed the last camp and wanted to return at the end of the summer. He's also really excited about starting 1st grade and having a full day at school.

Cale is getting big quick and soon will have caught up to his big brother. At this point he's not too fond of girls. I think he's already realized how much of a pain they can be. :) He's still in the process of being completely potty trained. Stubborn kid! He's virtually there. Hopefully soon he'll be wearing underwear all the time. ;)

Not a whole lot of anything is going on. I do have a few new pictures that I'll try and post over at Flickr later this week.

Now if I could only fall asleep. Back to the tv...

Friday, August 11, 2006

Reverse Photography...

Check out this video of cool footage done with reverse photography. It's a little slow starting out, but some of the stuff he did is very cool. It's filmed to look as though it's not in reverse but that you are looking at it normal. It's hard to explain. Just check it out. :) The video was found on Digg.

read more | digg story

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Watch A Mini Tornado Develop Before Your Eyes

Parents and children run in fear as a mini tornado develops before them. See it from start to finish. Story found on Digg.

read more | digg story