What's New With Craig...: What's Been Going On...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

What's Been Going On...

So here's what has happened lately...

Cade had a field trip to Killens Pond. There he learned some things about local animals at the park and caught a frog.

Baseball season has been going well. The team doesn't have the power it did last year, but the kids are having fun. I'd say they are probably the 3rd best T-Ball team of the 8 teams there are. Cade is a more influential player this year. His presence is actually felt now on the team. This year first, second, pitcher, and catcher have been his main positions. Cale loves to cheer him on. I am assisting once again as a coach. His team sponsor is Dover PD - FOP.

Mother's Day came and went. Shelly didn't have the greatest day as the kids really drove her nuts that day. We did manage to meet up with all the grandmothers and take some photos. I'm sure they will be angels on Father's Day. They love their daddy more. LOL! :)

Playground fun! The weather has been very nice lately. Every now and again we'll cruise over to the nearby church to ride bikes and play on the playground equipment. Both the boys have a lot of fun. Cade has really gotten good on two wheels with his bike. He can start, stop, and ride on two wheels now. That doesn't leave much, but he needs to refine his skills a bit. Every now and again he still eats the pavement. :) Cale finally is big enough to ride the bike we bought him last year. He rode it for the first time this week and had a blast.

Check out photos from the above commentary by visiting my Flickr page. There are 18 new photos.


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