What's New With Craig...: When It's Good The Cops Pull You Over...

Sunday, April 02, 2006

When It's Good The Cops Pull You Over...

So last Wednesday I was on my way to taking Cade to baseball practice. Shortly after leaving the house Cade said he felt sick. After looking at his face I knew I had to pull over quickly. So I pulled over as fast as I could and got him out on the shoulder. There he puked his guts out a few times. Poor kid. Come to find out he ate a bunch of stuff and had a soda, which we don't normally give him.

Anyway, several minutes later he felt fine and I loaded him back up in the car and headed back towards the ballpark. Cade still wanted to practice and insisted he was ok. I made a turn and suddenly saw flashing lights in my rear view mirror. Thinking they were going to blow by me, I pulled over to the side of the road. But the car pulled right behind me. And another police car behind it. Suddenly 3 Dover Police Officers surrounded my car. At this point Dover PD is actually right down the street. I'm a little confused because I honestly didn't know what I could have done wrong. There wasn't enough time after I made the turn to build up enough speed to be speeding. One of the officers approached the vehicle.

"Is everything alright? I saw you pulled over on the side of the road", he said. Oh, yeah. My son just got sick I said. "Do you mind if we ask him a few questions?" A little confused I said sure, go ahead. So they opened his door and asked him a few questions. First they asked for his name and he said Cade. Then they asked for his last name and he said Lambert. Next they asked him who I was and fortunately he said I was his dad. :) At this point the first officer that came to my window returned. This time he asked for my ID. It was also at this point that the light bulb lit up. They're checking to see if I just stole Cade! Sure enough, they were verifying my name to see if it matched the intel Cade gave up. God bless him for not messing with me or I'd probably be in jail. The officer just stated they saw me put a child in a vehicle in an odd location and just wanted to verify everything was ok and then sent me on my way.

I was kinda taken back by the situation as it was happening. But once he let me go, I really got it. It's one of those times when you don't mind getting pulled over. What they did was a great thing. If someone had stolen Cade they would have busted the guy.

My hats is off to Dover PD's finest!


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