What's New With Craig...: September 2007

Friday, September 28, 2007

Getting Ready To Unplug...

Cade and I are getting ready for a camping get-a-way in Cape Henlopen with his Cub Scouts pack. It'll be fun to unplug and get away with the oldest rugrat for a couple days. :) Cade and I are also going to try and sneak in a little caching while we're down there. Look for some news & pictures when we return.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Day Of Fun

Mom & Dad wanted to do something special for the kids and us, so we headed to Rehoboth to visit a fun park named Jungle Jim's.

On the way down we stopped and picked up a quick virtual cache. Basically it was a holiday house that looks like a UFO which was designed in the 60's. You can read more about it HERE and see the photos of it over at Flickr.

After the cache, we hit Grotto's for a quick bite. Traffic was fairly heavy and the construction that was going on didn't help. From Grotto's we made our way to Jungle Jim's. It was their last day of the season and the park seemed somewhat full. Some people were even crazy enough to play in the water park area. It was much too breezy and cold for that craziness in my book. :)

We started off playing 25 holes mini golf. None of us were really dominating the course. But at different times each of us were able to shine on at least one hole. Cade even managed to pull off a hole in one on the last hole we played. Suddenly he considers himself a golf expert. :)

Both kids got to race go carts for the first time. They had a blast. I think Cale would have liked some competition on the track (he was by himself for his age group), but he had fun none-the-less.

The night closed by a fantastic crab dinner at Seafood City. There's nothing better than a good crab dinner and beer, right? Cale decided to eat some salmon as crabs really aren't his bag yet. Cade on the other hand was a beast eating the crabs. You couldn't stop him. :)

It was a great day and everyone had a blast! Thank You Mom & Dad!

Check out a couple pages of photos over at Flickr.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Cade Starts Flag Football

Cade started flag football at the YMCA like his brother did this past weekend. Aside from running slower than Mrs. Daisey, he did a great job. I can't say anything... I've always been slow at running myself. He'll have a couple more weeks of skills and then they plan on starting games.

Today Cade also started Cub Scouts. The pack has a good amount of kids through a variety of ages and sounds to be quite active. He's excited about the things he's going to be able to do.

Check out some of Cade's football pictures over at Flickr...

Cade Loses

Reality Check...

Cade bet 3 people over the Dolphins game and lost. He's out $2 and some candy.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Cale Starts Flag Football

Cale was excited to start playing flag football at the YMCA. His age group mainly deals with developing skills but they are hoping to scrimmage for a little bit too.

I've never been a big football guy. Cade has gotten me into it more than I probably ever have been before. We throw the football around and goof off more than anything. I was surprised at how well Cale did. He made me proud. But then again he usually does. :) Cale had a blast!

Cade starts football this weekend. He's chomping at the bit to be a quarterback but realizes that it might not happen. We'll have to see. He does pass really well.

More to come on that later...

Several new photos were posted over at Flickr...

The Wager

Cade has become a rather large Miami Dolphins fan. Ken and Larry are big Washington Redskins fans. Last weekend we were at Larry's and a small debate began as to who was the better team.

Week 1 of the 2007 NFL Season is Miami vs. Washington.

Cade put his money where his mouth is and bet Uncle Ken and Larry a dollar each that the Dolphins would beat the Redskins.

The game is on 1:00 pm this Sunday. Unfortunately CBS isn't airing that game in Philadelphia. We're going to have to try and find somewhere else to watch it. :)

Game on!

Who do I want to win? I've got to stick with the rugrat. Go Dolphins!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Amazing Nature Video Footage!

Ken sent me a link to this yesterday and thought I would share it. The video is 8 minutes long but well worth a watch. The outcome of events is really quite amazing. Watch the whole thing. It's worth it!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Taking A Break

Not a lot is going on right now. Next week things are going to start picking up again. Both kids will be swimming again and playing flag football. Additionally, Cade's got karate and Cub Scouts, which starts in a couple weeks.

In our downtime we've been doing a lot of hiking and geocaching still. It's so great to get out there and see the wildlife areas. Last week Cade and I spied a bald eagle at one of the caches we hit. Very awesome!

A few new pictures were posted over at Flickr for your viewing pleasure. :) Enjoy.