What's New With Craig...: Caching In MD

Monday, July 30, 2007

Caching In MD

This weekend I visited Ken's for a caching weekend. I hit nine caches total and had an absolute blast. Heather, Ken's girlfriend, even joined us on a few before heading off to meet a friend.

One of the caches we did was a nano with a difficulty of 4 out of 5 (not the one pictured). The size of this thing was as small as your finger tip. Neither Ken or I like to give up. One of the clues was somewhat vague. We didn't know what it meant, so I used a lifeline and Phoned-A-Friend. Shelly hooked us up with a little Google searching and got us on the right path. Thank you Shelly. I love you! :) It took us an hour and a half to find this little bastard, but we found it. The cache was both frustrating and fun.

After the caching we hit his community pool with May, Ken's good friend. This pool was awesome! The kids would have had a blast. They keep bugging me to take them to Ken's. Now they want to go even more. Hopefully I can get them over there sometime soon.

After swimming we hit a resturant and then a bar later to meet some of Heather's freinds. The weekend was great. It was a welcomed break to all the computer work I have been doing lately on the side.

Check out some new photos over at Flickr. All of page one is new and there are 3 or so new pictures on page two.


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