What's New With Craig...: June 2007

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Got Cache?

The boys and Shelly gave me a GPS for Father's Day. Ever since Ken introduced me to geocaching, I've been wanting a GPS badly. It didn't make sense to wait until August to give it to me as a birthday gift, so it was pushed up a few months. Geocaching is so much fun!

The kids and I hit six local caches and found them all. Shelly ended up staying home, so it was a boys day out on Father's Day. Boy, did we have a blast!

Check out the pictures over at Flickr. You'll also find some new non-geocaching pictures there also.

Next week we're heading to Hershey, PA to meet up with Tony & Co. Hopefully we will be able to hit a few caches along the way.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Cool Wallpaper & More

Looking for a good wallpaper? Check out interfacelift.com. I heard about it on one of the podcasts I listen to (DL.TV) and decided to check it out. One of the nicer features is that you tell the web site what the resolution of your monitor is. Then from there you can filter the results by most downloaded, highest rated, newest, or a most comments.

Check it out. You also find themes and icons there. Just be sure to filter Windows unless you are indeed using a Mac.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Old Friends Visit

Last week Christine & Co. stopped by while on vacation from Arizona. It's hard with the busy schedule to squeeze in time, but we made it work. We're hoping to see them again at least one more time before they head back.

The kids didn't remember each other but it didn't take long before they hit it off again. They played in the house, out back, and played a little xbox together.

Christine is doing better than ever now that she left Kinko's. I'll always have fond memories working with her. Actually, Norm also worked with us for some time. He's good at remembering some of the stuff I want to forget. :)

There are a few other pictures over at Flickr. Check 'em out.

Happy Birthday Ken!

Ken turns 36 today! Happy Birthday! Oddly enough, he still likes to play in the mud. ;)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Birthday Cache

Ken's birthday is coming up on the 10th. This past weekend he came home for the race. It seemed like a great time to do the gifts, so we presented our gift to him.

This year we decided to mix it up a bit. Ken recently got the family into geocaching. It's a "sport" in which you find containers hidden by people throughout the world using a GPS. It's a lot like trying to find hidden treasure and the kids have a ball trying to find the cache. So we used this as a theme for his gift. I bought an ammo case, which is often used as a cache container. We then filled it with miscellaneous gifts. Some that dealt with geocaching. Some that didn't.

Using a GPS I borrowed, we determined a good hiding spot in my mom & dad's backyard. Using a real cache as an example, I printed something out that looked like an official cache with the coordinates to the cache that we hid for Ken. The cache was nested in between some trees and covered up with broken branches and some pine needles.

I made certain that Ken brought his GPS with him. He entered in the coordinates and began his adventure in finding the Birthday Cache. His GPS took him right to the vicinity of the hiding spot. A minute or so later he found the cache and revealed the treasure.

Check out several photos taken during the hunt over at Flickr. You will also find many other pictures that were take some time ago but were only recently published. Starting on Page 2 you'll find the baby rabbits we rescued, Cale & his girlfriend Erika, Cale playing ball, Cade marching in Old Dover Days, geocaching with the family, and the kids playing in the sprinkler.

A lot has been going on. I've been somewhat busy and somewhat lazy. You know how it is when you finally get some free time. :) Sometimes it's nice just doing nothing.