What's New With Craig...: Def Leppard @ The Borgata

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Def Leppard @ The Borgata

So Saturday I saw Def Leppard at the Borgata in Atlantic City. Honestly I was surprisingly not really all that motivated to see them. Tickets were $100 and I had to drive a good 2 1/2 to 3 hours to see them (traffic & all).

Anyway, I get to AC and there I met up with a couple of old friends from Jersey. Dee, a long time friend I met on the computer via Def Leppard. She also brought her friend Allan, who also has become a friend to me. These 2 characters also met up with our family when we saw Def Leppard and Bryan Adams @ Rikpen's Stadium in Maryland.

So everything is cool and we have some time to kill before the show. Dee and Allan gambled a little and lost some good cash. I did end up throwing $10 into a slot machine, but that was it. These casinos are in business to make money, and I know that. We then got a bite to eat. Allan bought so the meal was even better than normal. Thanks again Allan!

After dinner Allan hit the machines for a few more minutes and then we decided we better get in line because it was growing and we had general admission tickets. Eventually they let us in the facility where the Journey & Def Leppard were going to play. Initially we were in about 5th row from the stage.

Some guy with a guitar and harmonica opened the show. Nothing fancy, but it was better than just standing there doing nothing. Journey then hit the stage. I was never a huge Journey fan, but I have always liked what I heard on the radio. These guys did a fantastic job. They all looked real health too (well, aside from the bass player anyway). Steve Perry, of course, is no longer in the band. But his replacement filled his boots great and you didn't even miss him.

Def Leppard took the stage next. We had squeezed our way up to 3rd row by the time the show started. I was a little worried because their recent appearances on TV had been somewhat rough. But the fears quickly disappeared. The band hit it hard and sounded great! I guess The Borgata doesn't care about cameras because they were all over the place. All we had were are phones. Mine came out real crappy. Dee's phone did a better job. Check out some of the photos over @ Flickr. All my hesitations about going to the show were quickly erased. The band played a fantastic show!

In the end, I was really glad I went. It was a long day. By the time I got home it was 2:30ish in the morning. But it was DEFinitely worth it. :)


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