What's New With Craig...: March 2006

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Play Ball!

Cade has started practice for his second year of T-Ball. He's got the same coach and many of the same teammates. I am once again filling the role of assistant coach, lending a helping hand whenever possible. Last year he played for Applebees. This year it's the Fraternal Order of Police (F.O.P.).

Hopefully the team will be as good as last year and have just as much fun.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Worth Checking Out...

I was a big Rock Star Inxs fan. Marty Casey, whom took second place, released a new album on Friday with his band. It's a very good album in my humble opinion. If you like your hard rock, this will satisfy your craving for something new. You'll find the album in the same style as say Nickleback. Trees, a song he wrote and played in the Rock Star days is included on the disc. I'm personally happy he was not chosen by Inxs. He shines better with his own band. Pick up the album HERE. See him live when he opens for Inxs. HERE are some tour dates.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Happy Birthday Cade & Baltimore!

[3.13] Cade turns 6! He was thrilled by his gifts this year. We gave him a Nintendo DS handheld game system. (Dad knows the cool gifts to get. I'm going to hack it later.) :) His party is this weekend and is going to be at his karate school. The kids will get a free lesson and Cade will help instruct. He'll also get to cut his cake with a Samurai sword.

[3.12] Baltimore turns 9! Yeah, she's getting older but she still has a lot of puppy in her. I don't think she's ever going to loose that.

Check out my Flickr site. I added several photos from the past month or so.

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Dang! Sorry It's Been So Long...

It might appear that nothings going on, but I really just haven't been motivated enough. Anyway, here's a brief rundown of what's been going on...

A few weeks ago we headed up to Jersey to visit my Grandmother. The kids had fun and enjoyed seeing their Great Grandmother. Although my Grandmother loved seeing the kids, I think they wore her out a little by all the energy they had. :) We were hoping on visiting some friends while we went up there, but as usual it seemed like a rush visit as it was. Hopefully we'll get to see them some other time soon.

Cade lost tooth #2. Now the front two bottom teeth are out. That should hold him off for a little bit. There aren't too many other loose teeth right now.

Cade gets promoted to orange belt! I'm not sure what happen to Cade, but he's suddenly skyrocketing in his karate. He was about due for his orange belt anyway, but all the sudden his abilities took a new level. His movements are much sharper and his instructors have noticed as well. They are planning on working with him on more difficult tasks and plan on soon moving him up to the older kids room. I'm really proud of him.

My new toy... A couple weeks ago I did a big move for someone, which I got paid for. I pulled in close to $500. (It might sound like a lot, but I worked my butt off for it. It was 18 hours of moving heavy furniture.) Anyway, I digress. I figured why not buy a new PC since mine is quite outdated. So, I combined some of the other money I made on the side doing PC work and other moving jobs and did just that. The machine is sweet! It's a dual core 2.8 GHz Dell XPS with TWO 19" flat panel monitors. The funny part is, I got really sick around the time it came in and didn't feel like messing with it. There it sat in the boxes. Even still it's not setup all the way. It takes time for me to get all my crap transferred over and setup the way I like it. It's been a long time since I bought a PC for myself. For a LONG time now I have been building my own from parts. But I came across a deal that I couldn't pass up.

That's the Cliff Notes version of the last 3 weeks or so. I'll try and get some pictures over to Flickr later.