What's New With Craig...: January 2006

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Cale Turns 3!

Happy Birthday to Cale who turns three today. It's so hard to believe how fast the kids are growing up. The party is actually this weekend but he opened the gifts from us today. There are a couple other photos over at Flickr if you want to check them out.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Cade's First Report Card

Cade is all smiles with his first report card, as he should be. His grades were as good as they possibly could be with a few exceptions. Shelly and I are very proud of him. Hopefully his drive to succeed, do well, and work hard will continue into the future.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Quite Alarming...

Want to know how many sick-o's live near you? Visit Family Watchdog to find out how close sexual offenders live to your house. Shelly came across the link at work. Basically you put in your address and a map will pop up with pinpoints for all the offenders. Click on the pinpoints for information about the offenders. It's very scary how many are out there.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Things Slowing Down. It's Nice.

You have the holidays and things seems to move so fast. You're Christmas shopping and everyone is hustling. But now that it's a new year, everything has slowed down almost to a crawl. At least for me anyway. But that's good I suppose.

Today's is yet another holiday (MLK Day) for us lame ass state workers. :) Shelly has to work, so it'll be a "boys only" day at the house. It's so funny to watch them play. They're both growing up so fast.

Hopefully you have off today too. If not, take a short little break on me.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

TiVo Series 3

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is currently going on in Las Vegas. Actually, I believe it ended today. But for electronic gadgets and the like, this show is all the rage.

I'm still getting caught up on what's new and exciting, but the new TiVo was the first thing to catch my eye. The Series 3 TiVo's offer many new features. The most notable are dual tuners, a display, HDTV recording, and the ability to play MPEG-4. Currently the only dual tuner TiVo's that are out the DirecTv receivers. These are stand alone units that take it a step further.

The ability to playback MPEG-4 is a nice feature. Currently the only way for me to stream this type of media to the TV easily is though my modded xboxes.

Right now it's rumored to cost between $500 and $800. I don't plan on spending that much on a DVR anytime soon, but it sounds really cool. I still love my two ReplayTV's and will hang with them until they no longer serve their need.

Check out more on the TiVo Series 3 by visiting THIS post.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

2005 is out. 2006 is in. I hope everyone had a Happy New Year. We didn't do anything too exciting, but we did hang out with Kelly's gang at the house.

2005 was actually a pretty good year for us. Hopefully 2006 will bring everyone yet another great year. It's amazing how quickly time flies as you get older.

If you get the extra time off from work or school, enjoy it! Kick back and relax.