What's New With Craig...: January 2008

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

Goodbye 2007. Hello 2008! It's a new year if you haven't checked your calendar. We would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year.

I'll try and post some new photos soon. I've got some Christmas shots to post over at Flickr.

Right now I've been busy prepping the family room. We're going to do a little much needed painting and I'm repairing the dings and nail pops in the walls.

The whole mess started when we bought a plasma TV. There's a TV I had been watching for a year and a half. It was way too expensive ($2000) and I couldn't warrant it since our TV worked. When the TV was on sale, it would go for $1600 - $1700. On Christmas eve, Sears had a super sale and the TV was only $1313. I finally got approval from the finance committee (Shelly), and we jumped on the deal.

Then we had the problem of not having something to put the TV in / on. Shelly picked something out that the whole family liked. It's in the process of arriving to the warehouse.

But it doesn't stop there. As I mentioned, our house is in desperate need of a paint job. So before the TV and entertainment center gets set up, I decided (with incentive from Shelly) that I want to get working on the rooms in the house. So as I work the TV rests patiently in the box. It's not going anywhere, but I look forward to hooking it up soon. The work needed to be done anyway. Getting the new TV just pushed me harder to get started on it. :) DirecTV needs to come out anyway to upgrade our dish to HD.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. We had a great Christmas here in the Lambert household. I hope the same was true for you.