What's New With Craig...: November 2006

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all! I hope everyone gets a little time to spend with their families and loved ones. We're loafing around the house today, watching a the parade on TV, doing puzzles, and preparing to watch some football. A little later we're heading over to my parents house to feast on some turkey and one of my favorite foods... STUFFING! Ken is due in some time today to join us. Enjoy the day and fill that belly!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Get Your Christmas List Ready!

Santa is coming soon! I came across this cool web site that allows you to build your own custom wish lists. Basically you add links to different items you might want to receive as gifts. You can build different lists for different occasions. People can reserve items and let other people know you are buying that by leaving comments. It's also good for keeping track of things you don't want to buy for yourself right now, but might want to buy at a later date.

Lists can be hidden from the public if you so please. I set up a list for gifts for the family and made it private. That way Shelly can't see what she's getting. :) Although I'll let everyone in on a little secret. She's getting coal. Like normal. ;)

The site is relatively new. There are some little improvements that could be made to make things a little better. Some of the formatting is a little weird. For example, it will only capitalize the first letter of anything typed in a field instead of what you actually keyed in. It's also not easy to transfer an item to another list. You basically have to add it again and delete the old one. It would be neat if they could devise some way to flag an item as being purchased by someone without the person that owns the list being able to tell. If someone leaves a comment, it wouldn't be too hard for the list holder to figure out what they are getting.

Overall, however, I think the idea is very cool. Wish Lists can easily be imported from Amazon. The service is free and well worth checking out. HERE is a sample of what mine looks like. Two of the lists are hidden and are not visible without me giving you permission to see it.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Poor kid. The boy photographs much like myself. Sometimes it's so hard to get a good picture. Best results often come when he's not expecting it.

Last year was the cheesy grin. This year it's the wacky hairdo and funky eye. I'm not sure what's up with his left eye. :)

HERE is a link to the school photos from last year and this year.

There are a couple other pictures over at Flickr including Cade's most recent report card. I must say he is doing quite well. ;)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Santa Clause 3

So this weekend we (everybody but Kelly & Shelly anyway) were surprised that Kyle flew into town. He showed up for a family visit since Thanksgiving is going to be cut short for him. Kyle is going to return home early after the turkey feast to go to a big football game at Clemson. Apparently they are playing their rival team or something. Anyway, while here now, Kyle wanted to go see Santa Clause 3. The eight of us (Kelly, Keith, Kyle, Korey, Shelly, Cade, Cale, and myself) met at the movie theater, which ended up being quite full before the feature started.

What is there to say about the movie? Basically, the plot is somewhat predictable. Still I found myself enjoying the movie. Jack Frost, played by Martin Short, is jealous that he is not getting the same attention that Santa gets. Jack tricks Santa and magically becomes Santa himself. Scott Calvin, the former Santa played by Tim Allen, battles back to obtain his old position in the big red suit. Check out the trailer HERE.

The film was good but I don't think there is much life left in this franchise. If you enjoyed the first two movies, you'll certainly enjoy the third. Martin Short brings extra life to the film and thus I liked this one a little more than the second one. It's a family feature and a lot of the humor is tongue and cheek but with Tim Allen and Martin Short it's hard to go wrong.

Final Verdict: See it. Unless you really didn't like the second one, I would pony up the cash and go see it.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Cade vs. Obi-Wan

This year the kids went Trick or Treating on Halloween as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker from Star Wars. The picture to the left is what Shelly used to design Cade's costume. She put a lot of time into it and they came out great (at least in my humble opinion).

Check out several other pictures taken their Halloween party and on Halloween itself by visiting my photos over at Flickr.


Cale vs. Luke Skywalker

This is the picture Shelly used to design the costume for Luke. Cale had a blast in it. :)
