Back in the dial-up day I was drooling over cable and could not wait for it to make it to my house. Now I'm drooling over FiOS, which is fiber fed by Verizon.
Comcast has always kinda bugged me. First off, I couldn't stand the quality of the analog cable TV when I was paying for digital cable. Eventually I switched my TV services to DirecTV and have enjoyed it ever since. Then, to make matters worse, they charge me more for my internet and cripple my download speed. They infuriate me, so I'm jumping ship to FiOS ASAP.
Current Comcast TV & Internet subscribers get 8 Mbps down and 384 kpbs up.
As an Internet only customer, I get 4 Mbps down and 384 kbps up and pay more for it.
With FiOS, I can get 10 Mbps down and
2 Mbps up for less than what I am paying now! I really want a fat upload pipe to stream media and other things from my house to me remotely. FiOS will give me that flexibility.
Today I happened to see them running cable out back, so I stopped by to talk to the installers. Sure enough, they're running fiber for Verizon. Hopefully within the next few months I'll be sitting on a new ISP with some insane internet speeds.
Look for an update in the future. :)
Learn More About Verizon's FiOS