What's New With Craig...: September 2006

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Click is out October 10th in retail stores and stars Adam Sandler, Kate Beckinsale, and Christopher Walken. I wasn't sure what to expect because the trailers on TV made the movie look funny. Often times once you see the movie you suddenly realize that just good parts made it into the trailer. That's not the case with this movie. Our family really enjoyed it. The film captured a wide range of emotions but foremost it made you laugh. As most of us have busy lives and often times have difficulty multitasking everything that needs to be done with spending quality time with your family, it's a movie that most people are going to be able to relate to.

Now, the movie is PG-13. So depending what you let your children watch, this may or may not be a movie for them. Here is what you can expect for the PG-13 rating: there is a dog in the movie that likes to hump a large stuffed duck, there is some language, and his son does drop the "S" bomb a couple times. But none of it was all that bad in my humble opinion, and all of it was done in a way that you end up laughing. Both Cade & Cale sat quietly through it and said they really enjoyed it. That being said, the message of the movie is one that is aimed at adults. Kids will enjoy it for the funny scenes.

Rent It, Buy It, or Forget It? This is a Buy It in my book. At a minimum you have to at least rent it. It's definitely worthy of your time and I am sure most people will enjoy it. If you have broadband, check out the Movie Trailer online.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Cade's Feeling Blue

Yesterday Cade was promoted to blue belt. Here is a You Tube video of him doing his green belt kata. He's been working hard and still really seems to enjoy it. Check out a few pictures over at Flickr. The lighting isn't the greatest for taking pictures. Sorry.


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Cade Flys A C-5 And Lands!

Cade flys the C-5 simulator and lands! Granted he didn't hit the runway, but he landed safely. Did the xbox play a part? :) Dad took us once again since there was free time and the kids (and I) had a blast. The cockpit was dark, so the quality is somewhat poor. Transferring the video to You Tube only made it worse. But at least you can see out the windows of the simulator and get a general idea of what is going on. There are a few pictures over at Flickr as well.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

You Know You're Having A Bad Day...

You know you're having a bad day when you hit a police car. Then on top of hitting a police car, you're drunk also! That's what happened here. A Dover PD officer apparently had pulled someone over. While he was with the other car the drunk driver plowed into his car going 50 mph. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt.

We just had to strip the equipment from the vehicle before they scrapped it.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Go Fly A Kite

Today I promised the kids that we would try and fly a kite, although it wasn't all that windy. I was hoping for a little more wind, but the kids didn't seem to care. It was good exercise for them anyway, as they had to run to actually keep the kite in the air. :) They had fun regardless.

Cale struggled a bit due to the lack of wind, but did manage to get it in the air for a brief period of time.

Check out some of the pictures over at Flickr.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Cade Starts Swimming Lessons!

Saturday was Cade's day to start swimming lessons. He too found himself a little nervous before starting. His stomach was in knots. But once we got there all his nerves went away and he was fine.

Cade seemed to do very well in everything she had him do. He has spent more time in the pool than Cale and is a little more confident in his abilities to learn. Towards the end, he had the opportunity to go down a corkscrew slide into the 9' end of the pool. The instructor was there to catch him. The other kids sat up and came down gently. When Cade went in, he laid down. I could hear him inside the slide and thought to myself "He sounds like he is moving!". Sure enough, he came out the end of the slide like a torpedo! He went under, but his instructor was there to catch him. You could tell by the smile on his face that he was having fun.

Like Cale, he's already looking forward to his next lesson.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Cale Starts Swimming Lessons!

Grandma & Grandpa have given the kids the wonderful gift of swimming lessons at the YMCA. Both kids were really excited and Cale's lesson started today. Cade starts his lessons on Saturday.

Since Cale is young, we decided to start him in a class in which I could be involved. Initial reception to the pool was not good, but he quickly got used to it. Before you know it he was really having fun. The class is going to teach him the basics and get him comfortable in the pool.

In the end he did a great job and he's looking forward to going again already.
